Contacting the psychologists and psychotherapists at Psychologist France

Contacting Psychologist France

You are absolutely free to get in touch with any of the psychologists on this website (you don’t need a medical prescription to make an appointment with a psychologist)…

  • if you have an urgent question that you want answered as soon as possible.
  • if you need additional information for yourself or loved one.
  • if you want to make an appointment.

During the day we are in consultation very regularly. That means we may not be able to answer your call right away. In that case, please don’t hesitate to leave your name and phone number, you will be called back as soon as possible. Our phone number is  +33 (0)9 / 77 21 50 60

You can also contact us via the contact form below. We will do our best to answer you within 24 hours. Don’t forget to also include your phone number, that makes communication a bit more effective.

Contact form

Fill out my online form.

Contacting the psychologists and psychotherapists at Psychologist France
Contacting the psychologists and psychotherapists at Psychologist France

Psychotherapy sessions

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the psychologists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem, we will first of all consider together how this problem occurs, where it comes from and the impact it has on you and your life.

Couples therapy

When a couple’s situation is such that the two people can no longer put up with each other, or that communication becomes practically impossible or at the least is very difficult, then it is worth calling a counsellor to try and re-establish communication and review the problems.

If you need further information, you wish to ask a more specific question, or you want a psychologist’s opinion of your case, just call us to make an appointment or send an email to Psychologist France, to the attention of the psychologist of your choice.